Mrs. Ragnheiðar's utensil package

Frú Ragnheiður is a harm reduction project of the Red Cross that serves marginalized individuals, such as the homeless and those who use intravenous drugs. The service is a healthcare and needle exchange service with the aim of keeping people alive, reducing harm and preventing infections and contagion.

Price 3.000 kr
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First aid kit

Every home, car and every workplace should be equipped with a first aid kit. That, along with knowing the right hand grips, can save lives. As soon as you buy the first aid kit, you are supporting all the work of the Red Cross in Iceland.

Price 11.900 kr
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100 ára saga Rauða krossins

Price 14.900 kr
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Gift certificates of the Red Cross shops

When you buy products from the Red Cross, they get a new life, you contribute to environmental protection, the bud gets heavier and all proceeds go 100% to humanitarian causes.

Price 2.500 kr
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Vaknaðu bolur

Black t-shirts to support the work of Frú Ragnheiður and other harm reduction program of the Icelandic Red Cross.

Price 4.000 kr
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Conversation with 1717

This gift will provide active listening, psychological support and information about available resources to a person in need. It's important to have someone to turn to when things go wrong.

Price 3.000 kr
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Gift certificate for a 4-hour first aid course

A course for those who want to take the time to learn first aid, e.g. the public, volunteers in Red Cross first aid groups and students who receive credit for taking a first aid course.

Price 13.200 kr
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Reusable sanitary pads

In Malawi, girls have little or no access to sanitary napkins and are therefore often not confident enough to attend school when they are menstruating. Your gift is a reusable sanitary pad for three Malawian schoolgirls.

Price 2.500 kr
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Gift certificate for a 12-hour first aid course

A course for those who want to take the time to learn first aid, e.g. the public, volunteers in Red Cross first aid groups and students who receive credit for taking a first aid course.

Price 13.200 kr
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Gift certificate for a 12-hour first aid course

A course for those who want to take the time to learn first aid, e.g. the public, volunteers in Red Cross first aid groups and students who receive credit for taking a first aid course.

Price 22.000 kr
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Gift certificate for a 12-hour first aid course

A course for those who want to take the time to learn first aid, e.g. the public, volunteers in Red Cross first aid groups and students who receive credit for taking a first aid course.

Price 11.000 kr
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Emergency blanket

The blanket will warm those who need it, e.g. when a mass aid center is opened due to natural disasters, accidents or house fires. It is important to be able to get heat in the body in difficult conditions.

Price 1.500 kr
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Menntastyrkur - Framhaldsnám

Price 4.500 kr
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First aid poster - CPR for drowning

The poster "Drowning CPR" contains simple information on how to respond to drowning.

Price 5.000 kr
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Aid brochure

The brochure "Can you help when the going gets tough?" contains simple information on how to respond to an emergency.

Price 750 kr
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Menntastyrkur - grunnskólanám

Price 2.500 kr
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Aid poster

Poster "You can help!" contains simple information on how to respond to an emergency.

The poster contains information on how to respond in an emergency. The presentation is both simple and clear so that everyone can learn something from it or review the basic techniques of first aid.

Price 4.500 kr
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