Welcome to the IRC Online Learning Platform
Our trainings
Here you find an overview of all the online courses Icelandic Red Cross has going on as well as hundreds of courses from IFRC, other National Societies and partners. It's easy to create an account an to the right you'll find instructions on using the Platform. Please note that it's important to choose Iceland when registering and entering your Social Security Number after you've created the account. The Platform is open to all.
Here you'll find instructions on how to register and use the Learning Platform.
Click herePlease note that it's necessary to register your Social Security Number (if you have one) after creating an account, otherwise your progress will not be registered to MyPages.

Introductory training course
Basic introduction to the Icelandic Red Cross
This course is specifically targeted towards volunteers and Red Cross staff but is open to all those who wish to learn more about the Red Cross. The course is mandatory for those who want to work with the Icelandic Red Cross. The course covers the beginnings of the Red Cross movement and its basic ideals, targets and policies and the work done by volunteers. The course can be accessed here.

Introduction to First Aid
Basic foundation of providing first aid
This self-paced course introduces the key concepts and first aid techniques needed to address emergency situations in adults, such as choking, strokes, burns, wounds, and cardiac arrest.

First aid and naloxone
Harm reduction basics and naloxone use
This online training is specifically for Red Cross staff and volunteers working in harm reduction programs but open to all who'd like to learn more about the topic. First there's an introduction on harm reduction, opioids and overdose. Next up is the basics of first aid, topics include psychological first aid, resuscitation and naloxone use.

Introduction to responsible governance
Basics of governance and administration
The main aim of this course is to provide the learner with the necessary elements for understanding and fulfilling a leadership role within the Icelandic Red Cross through a series of texts and interactive resources and activities.