Thematic areas
The Icelandic Red Cross is committed to providing technical input to ensure quality operations. We focus on areas where we have built expertise to provide added value and expert support to our partners, while allowing room for growth and learning in areas that are essential to fulfil our mandate as well as our international commitments.
Our thematic focus areas leading to safe, healthy, and sustainable communities are three: Gender Equality and Protection, National Society Development and Crises and Climate Action. They overlap and support each other. Within these focus areas we have priorities that will be the main target of our actions in the coming years. We will operate within other thematic areas, contributing to other goals than those highlighted in this document. We believe that global goals cannot be achieved in isolation and only by multiple actors working together in a holistic manner can real progress be made across the goals. To ensure holistic programmes, we seek collaboration with Movement and non Movement partners that have additional expertise and know-how. This means that we will support programmes and projects that cover a broader set of thematic areas reflecting our implementing partner’s needs, interests and strengths and those of the communities they serve.
Our focus will remain to ensure that our priorities are integrated to meaningfully contribute to alleviation of any kind of human suffering. Below is an outline of the three focus areas 1) Gender Equality and Protection 2) National Society Development and 3) Crises and Climate Change Actions.

Cross-cutting approaches

Protection, gender and inclusion

National society development

Crises and climate action