Frú Ragnheiður: Harm reduction
Harm reduction is an ideology that focuses primarily on the consequences and risks of drug abuse rather than on the use itself. The goal is to increase the quality of life and health of users. The projects offer clean injection equipment, condoms and advice on safe injection methods in order to prevent bloodborne diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C.
Frú Ragnheiður
Frú Ragnheiður is a project-on-wheels which drives around the streets of the capital area for six evenings a week and the name refers to a specially equipped medical reception vehicle for the homeless and people with drug addictions. The van provides individuals with medical care, among other things for wounds and general health advice, as well as providing a service which exchanges old needles for new.
Capital area:
- Where? All around the capital area.
- When? Every night except Saturdays from 18-21.
- Please call 7887-123 to meet up with the volunteers of Frú Ragnheiður.
- When? Mondays and Thursdays from 20-22.
- Please call 783 4747
- When? Mondays and Thursdays from 20-22.
- Please call 800 1150 to meet up with the volunteers of Frú Ragnheiður.
Capital area:
- Where? All around the capital area.
- When? Every night except Saturdays from 18-21.
- Please call 7887-123 to meet up with the volunteers of Frú Ragnheiður.
- When? Mondays and Thursdays from 20-22.
- Please call 783 4747
- When? Mondays and Thursdays from 20-22.
- Please call 800 1150 to meet up with the volunteers of Frú Ragnheiður.
Needle exchange service, you can get clean and free needles and we accept used needles.
Health care, caring for wounds, antibiotic treatment, taking seams and general basic health care
Psychosocial support and harm reduction counselling
We also provide outdoor equipments, nutrition and warm clothes.
Everybody who needs it.
There is 100% confidentiality except for the cases that must be reported to CPS according to Icelandic Laws.
We aim to have a diverse and a powerful group of volunteers. There is 12 month commitment with 2 shifts per month. We look for nurses, doctors, social workers, pharmacists, psychologists and other individuals with experience that can be of use in this project. All potential volunteers should apply through the formal way, please note that the age limit is 24 years old.
2020 in numbers
Frú Ragnheiðar bíllinn er sérinnréttaður til að veita þjónustu á vettvangi. Tekið er á móti notuðum sprautubúnaði til förgunar í samstarfi við Landspítalann, sem er hluti af samfélagslegri skaðaminnkun til að draga úr notuðum sprautubúnaði sem verður eftir á götum borgarinnar eða í ruslinu.

Do you want to be a volunteer?
We're looking foVið leitum að sjálfboðaliðum 24 ára og eldri sem hafa heilbrigðismenntun og/eða brennandi áhuga á skaðaminnkun. Í dag er biðlisti fyrir sjálfboðaliða.

Ylja: Mobile consumption facility
Ylja is a consumption facility and a harm reduction project where all who chose to can use drugs in a safe environment under guidance from a health care specialist.