Your support means everthing
Become a friend of humanity
Friends of humanity are monthly donors that support all humanitarian and reconstruction work of the Red Cross. The donations are divided equally between domestic and international projects.
Domestically, Friends of humanity support harm reduction services, civil protection services, support for refugees, the Helpline 1717 and the online chat
Internationally, Friends of humanity support the work of national societies to improve living conditions in their respective countries, emergency responses in areas affected by conflict or natural disasasters, as well as long term development cooperation in various places, including Malawi and Sierra Leone.
Apply for a volunteer job at the Icelandic Red Cross
Apply here
One of our foundations is a diverse group of volunteers that represent the community and gives us the strength and possibility to work on our projects. We emphasize community engagement and provide volunteers with the tools and knowledge they need.
Courses and events
See all eventsInngangur að neyðarvörnum 21. janúar 2025- fjarnámskeið
Námskeiðið er kynning á neyðarvörnum Rauða krossins og helstu verkefnum innan þeirra, þar á meðal opnun fjöldahjálpastöðva, hlutverk Rauða krossins í almannavörnum og fleira.
Social inclusion projects, Beginner´s course, in English
On Wednesday, January 22nd, a course will be held for new volunteers of the Red Cross´s social inclusion project. The course will be held in Víkurhvarf 1, 203 Kópavogur Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Psychological First Aid for children: A Training for Teachers
This training in Psychological First Aid (PFA) for children is aimed for teachers and other educators. The training time is 13:00-16:15 on the 23rd and 24th of January. Instructors are Mohammed Raheem and Sóley Ómarsdóttir.
Our online training courses
IFRC Learning Platform
Sign up to the IFRC Learning Platform to join our humanitarian education community of practice and access our wide range of free online learning courses open to National Society staff and volunteers, partners and the public. Please note that to gain access to training courses created by the Icelandic Red Cross you must choose Iceland under the Division field. The Learning Platform is open to all.
Red Cross all over Iceland
The Icelandic Red Cross has branches all over Iceland that work according to our strategy in disaster services, with migrants, in health projects, clothing projects and more.
Support our humanitarian work and make a difference.
Gifts for humanity
Running late for a birthday? Do you know someone who has it all but deserves the best? Give a well thought out gift.
Online Red Cross shop
Shop high couture, gift certificates, first aid producst and more.